Disappearing Languages
Many of the world’s languages are disappearing
at an alarming
B11 rate due to the political or _____ reasons. It is ECONOMY
estimated that as many as half of all known lan-
guages may disappear by 2100. The appearance
of some elements of a language is a natural result
of the passage of time,
B12 but now that we all live in a _____ village, this GLOBE
process is speeding up. And a language is an es-
sential part of a people’s culture,
B13 if one disappears it is a terrible _____ for all the LOSE
humanity. Sometimes local languages co-exist
with the dominant language,
B14 but they are ______ replaced as older speakers EVENTUAL
die and younger ones adopt what they consider
to be the more useful tongue.
B15 Although interest in language _____ is on the PRESERVE
rise, many people have an equally strong interest
in stamping out minor language.
B16 It is essential, therefore, for language _____ , COMMUNE
language professionals and government to work
together to try to stop them from doing this.
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