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Вариант 5. Задание B4-10(19-25)

B4 Mrs. Darling first heard of Peter when she _____ up    TIDY

       her children’s minds. It is the nightly custom of every


B5 good mother after her children _____ asleep to rum-  BE

       mage in their minds and put things straight for next



B6 _____ into their proper places the many articles that  REPACK

have wandered during the day. If you could keep



B7 (but of course you can’t) you _____ your own mother SЕЕ

doing this, and you would find it very interеsting to

watch her. It is quitе like tidying up drawers.

Occasionally in her travels through her children’s


B8 minds Mrs. Darling _____ things she                                   FIND


B9 _____ understand, and of these quite the most per-    NOT CAN

plexing was the word Peter. She knew of no Peteг but

aftеr thinking bасk into heг childhood she just


B10 remembered а Peteг Pan who___ to live with the             SAY

fairies. There were odd stories about him.


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