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Вариант 2. Задание B2 (11).

1.Forced change

2 Violation of law

3 Destructive consequences

4 It’s impossible to please everyone

5 Lack of suitable people

6 Unexpected arrival

7 Against unemployment

8 Avoiding radical measures

  1. Civil service offers jobs to thousands of men and women. They work at many different levels of the government. The levels are city, county, state and federal. All areas or civil service work on the merit system. This system is set up to protect the employee. It is meant to have each job filled by the people best qualified to have them. The merit system makes sure each employee gets equal and fair pay. Training is provided for those who need it. Fair treatment will be given to all no matter who they are.
  2. Police departments need more officers. They are having a hard time finding good workers. One reason is money. New police officers do not make much money compared to other jobs. Another reason police departments are having a difficult time is that it can be hard to qualify for the job. People that are trying to become officers need to pass many tests, these tests are not always easy. One of the tests given is to see how honest the applicants, are these people also have to take drug tests. Many of them do not pass these tests.
  3. The weather is very important for farmers. This time of year, seems to be cooler than usual. This change is nice for some farmers but causes worry for others. One man who grows grapes said that he welcomed the cooler weather. It was giving him and his workers extra time to bottle their wine. Other farmers are not quite as happy. The possible rain can cause a lot of damage to their crops. Food that is not picked right away can often rot. Farmers are usually on a very strict schedule.
  4. Some farmers are having a hard time peaking their crops. There are not enough workers to help them with the harvest. One farmer used to grow peaches but will soon switch to growing almonds. Peaches require more labor to harvest. They are fragile and must be picked by hand. Machines would damage the ripe peaches. Almonds are harvested differently. It does not take as many workers to pick them because a machine shakes the almond trees. The almonds fall on the ground and then are gathered up.
  5. Farmers need lots of workers to help them on their farms. They often hire people from Mexico to do work. People that the farmers hire are all supposed to be citizens of the United States. A citizen is a person that legally lives in the country. It is prohibited to hire workers that are not citizens. Sometimes illegal citizens are hired anyway. They will work for less money. Some farmers do not care if their workers are illegal. Hiring illegal brokers saves them money.
  6. There have been many weeks of rainy weather in one area of California. The rain has a tendency to seep into the cracks of the road. The rain has caused over 70 million dollars in damage to roads in California in just one-month. When the rain finally stopped for a bit, many workers began trying to patch the holes in the roads. One area actually was a 40-foot section of road. The heavy rains washed it away. Crews have been working hard to try to fix it. A new lane is being built around the damaged area.
  7. More than 2000 San Joaquin County workers planned to strike. Worker strike because they want changes. Often, they want more money or changes in their workplace. The strike did not happen because the union and the country reached an agreement in time. Both sides say there are some details to settle before the contract is final. Because there was no strike, people can get services at the hospital, the courthouse and other county offices.


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